Copeland Chevrolet is proud to be a RepairPal Certified auto service center. We have always strived to ensure our service center exceeds the expectations of all our customers. When we were approached to become a RepairPal Certified dealer, we saw it as the perfect extension of the way we already do business. We are honored to be part of the RepairPal standard of auto service and we will continue to uphold the same great service you have always known. You can Count on Copeland!
Great Work
If you have to shell out your hard-earned cash on car repair, at the very least, you want the repair done right. But how can you know whether the shop did a good job or not? RepairPals own team of ASE-certified Master Technicians designed an 84-question survey that rigorously assesses all aspects of a shop, covering technician experience and training; tools and diagnostic equipment; the shops policies and business practices; and the parts they use. We also do a background check on the shop and re-assess it annually for compliance. Finally, we demand that all RepairPal Certified shops stand behind their work with a parts and labor warranty of at least a 12 months or 12,000 miles (whichever comes first).
Fair Prices
Surely a top-notch repair job with high quality parts must cost an arm and a leg, right? Well, we actually believe you can get a fair price for quality repair work, which is why we created the RepairPrice Estimator. We had twenty-eight expert technicians and data analysts invest more than 75,000 hours analyzing the cost of parts and labor for certain repairs and the zip code where the shop is located. The data is then processed by the RepairPrice Estimator, which calculates a price range where the estimate should fall. All RepairPal Certified shops stand by the prices generated by the RepairPrice Estimator and will honor them without question, meaning that you will never pay more than you should.
Happy Customers
When was the last time you left a repair shop feeling happy? Not just relieved, but actually happy? RepairPal Certified shops go beyond simply satisfying their customers. How can we be so sure? Well, before a shop becomes certified, we talk to their customers to make sure they are happy! We obtain information directly from the shops computer system and call or email at least 25 recent customers to ask them if they would recommend the shop to their friend or colleague. Based on that, all shops receive a Net Promoter Score, a customer loyalty metric used by companies worldwide. RepairPal Certified shops Net Promoter Scores rate up there with companies like Apple, Amazon, Walmart, JetBlue, and USAA.
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